HUH - Howard University Hospital
HUH stands for Howard University Hospital
Here you will find, what does HUH stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Howard University Hospital? Howard University Hospital can be abbreviated as HUH What does HUH stand for? HUH stands for Howard University Hospital. What does Howard University Hospital mean?The hospital & health care medical organization is located in Washington, District Of Columbia, United States.
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Alternative definitions of HUH
- Huahine Island, Society Islands
- Harvard
- Harvard University Herbaria
- Huahine airport
- Help Us Hope
- Hahnemann University Hospital
- Harper University Hospital
View 20 other definitions of HUH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HH Healthcare at Home
- HCI Home Credit Indonesia
- HFCC Henry Ford Community College
- HRH Hard Rock Hotel
- HPISPL HP India Sales Pvt Ltd
- HG The Hillman Group
- HICV Holiday Inn Club Vacations
- HFA Hillside Family of Agencies
- HEE Health Education England
- HMS Healthcare Management Systems
- HPH Hawaii Pacific Health
- HNBP Hatton National Bank PLC
- HPF Home Point Financial
- HGSE Harvard Graduate School of Education
- HCH Holy Cross Hospital
- HKTDC Hong Kong Trade Development Council
- HMHS HM Health Solutions
- HSF Heart and Stroke Foundation
- HCFB Home Credit and Finance Bank